Tips for bullet journaling

 Hii peeps,

So did I tell u i love being organised....?(but im super lazy and so it just turns out to be messy๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚)

So i figured out to give u gals some tips to start ur own bullet journal!

So first off....i wanna tell u guys that I have got this binder which i have transformed into my bullet binder.

It has my color pens,highlighters,color pencils,post-its,bullet journal and all other stationary thingies.

Now for the bullet journaling....I bought this cute diary online...of WorldOne and it’s brown in colour with an elastic strap.Its super organised!

So find a good organised diary ,grab a pen and start journaling!!

Okay now....write down ur important contacts as u may need them anytime.

Secondly, make a short monthly planner(I got many of these things readymade from the book).

Now a thing u can do is ‘highlights of the day’....this way if u read ur diary after a few years or even months it will be fun!

Birthdays, movies to watch, songs to listen to,6 word stories, books to read, fun facts, bucket list,wish list, horror stories, jokes and mind games are the pages I made...u can add or subtract if u feel like it!

TO DO list is a very important part:-

-Make a key: have a key in which u write which symbol means what...for eg.u can make a simple square for to do and colour it when done...or make a cross in it if cancelled!

Or u can make a heart for an idea u had in ur mind...

-Remember to fill in: ok this is a problem with ME...I tend to forget I have a to do list...I write anything that comes to my mind on the whiteboard in my ya 

Next up is....months-

Okay so make a drawing for each month and then write its name somewhere...on the next page write ur goals,highlights, notes and events.

You can find some drawing ideas on Pinterest...just search ‘bullet journal *month*’...

Have a mood tracker...and a sleep Log and if wanna have a fitness and workout tracker...!

Some additional pages u can add are-

What to do when bored, tv shows to watch, passwords, random(ok so in this section I have written a question which I wanna ask u ....later in this post....and hey it’s embarrassing!), curve of forgetting and tv show tracker.

Okay guys that’s it for this post

Now the question is...

If u would be free to choose innumerable pillows and blankets while sleeping how many would they be?

My answer...

10 pillows

6 blankets

I know it’s super embarrassing but that’s who I am!!



  1. wow! nice tips - i definitely need to work on bullet journalling! lovely post :)

    1. thank u so much sara.....yah its fun once u start doing it..thanks for following!

  2. I am new here and L . O . V . E. your blog!!!!!!! Thanks for these AWESOME tips!

    1. ohh...if u need help lemme know!
      awww thankss!!!!
      no problem gurl!


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